The incorrect operation of an airport passenger boarding bridge can cause huge losses for any airline and airport. Whether its damage to the fuselage of the aircraft or personal injuries to passengers and crew; the economic and reputational losses for an airport or airline can be disastrous.

If in addition to these risks we add the increase in security measures and passenger access control, the result is a bad boarding experience do to fact that passengers do not perceive comfort and convenience.

For these reasons, ADELTE in collaboration with Group Infaimon and Leitat Managing Technologies, have started the “SPB Project” (Secure and Safe Passenger Boarding Bridges) to improve and ensure a comfortable, safe and fast passenger boarding process at airports all around the world.

Project Budget: 735.975,09 €

Financial Framework: RTC

Contract number: RTC-2017-6141-8

Start Date: 01/07/2018

End Date: 30/06/2021




Financiado por: FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia,Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/_Proyecto RTC-2017-6141-8

Objetivo Temático del Programa Operativo: Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad